After hearing so much about YouTube shorts, I decided that it was time to learn more about it and give it a try. The first thing I noticed is that if I felt it was in impossible task to get 1000 hours of watch time in a year, the idea of getting 10,000,000 short views in 90 days for monetization is even more intimidating. Since Happy’s best video only has a little over a thousands views after six years, there was no way we could hope to get ten million views in ten years, never mind 90 day so why even bother.

But since a wise pup knows that he will never get an extra treat unless he ask, and there is no way of knowing what a few extra views can do, why not give it a try. Even if it only meant a half dozen extra views, there is always the reward of knowledge gained and the satisfaction that comes from doing ones best to grow and improve their life.

So I looked through the archive of Happy’s old video footage and found this short clip of Happy enjoying some playtime with his Grandpa. Since I know absolutely nothing about how to make a short and my video skills are deplorable, I expected to only get a couple of views. To my surprise in the last couple of days it has gotten over 600 views. That might not sound like much to a big channel, but when your top video has only had a thousand views in 6 years, its a very big deal and definitely put a smile on Happy’s face.